NUSRI conducted 2018 Winter Programme

National University of Singapore (Suzhou) Research Institute (NUSRI) successfully concluded the 2018 Winter Programme from 10th to 29th December 2018. The three-week programme attracted 46 students from the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), and the University of Western Australia (UWA) to participate in. 

The exchange programme aims to provide students an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture, economy and business landscape, as well as to challenge them to develop a global perspective in the ever-changing environment. The course is systematically designed in a hybrid of lectures, seminars, industrial visits and cultural exploration.    

NUSRI brings together dedicated instructors and facilitators from NUS and local universities in China to provide students with intellectually stimulating academic courses, thus helping them to have a holistic view on Chinese business landscape. Courses are interactive and relevant to ongoing issues, such as the rise of e-marketing and the Chinese way of doing business. Relevant topics include “Social-Cultural Environment of Doing Business with China”, “Chinese Economy and Firms Strategic Alliances”, “Tapping into China’s E-business Market” and etc.. 

NUSRI provided a more diverse selection of industries opportunities on private as well as state-owned companies, firms including Huawei, Alibaba, Ecovacs, and Bank of China. Through these industrial visits, students were able to gain a more insightful understanding of the current market and economy of China as well as learn about the development of these firms. 

In addition to academic learning and industrial visits, NUSRI arranged students with various cultural visits and activities to experience culture and history authentically. Places students visited include ancient gardens like Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden, and famous water town “Tongli”. Apart from outdoor activities, students also learned fan painting to experience Chinese traditional art. 

“I think for me as a Chinese person in Singapore, I never really knew what’s China was about or how Chinese culture was like, so coming here and see the people really opened my eyes,” said Shu Feng, one of the students of this programme from NUS. 

As a platform for cross-cultural interactions, NUSRI will continue to offer tailored immersion programmes, providing students from diverse backgrounds with a deeper insight into Chinese economy and culture.